
87 thoughts on “Testimonials

  1. My poor puppy was recently attacked by a pinata beater. I called the cops and cried under my bed. I am still afraid to go outside without a bag on my head. I don’t want want to be know as the boy who’s puppy got attacked by pinata beaters. One day punks….ONE DAY!!!!!

  2. We recently engaged in the beating of a pinata. We enjoyed this activity very much. We hope that you will one day see the truth of pinata beating in a different light. We see through your mask of lies.


  4. Vinne,

    If you’d bothered to read any of my blog, you’d know I am a father, not a mother.

    Second, Guns do kill. Statistic after statistic has shown that when you remove guns from an environment, violence, and deaths, go down.

    Giving kids a pinata is like giving kids a loaded gun and hoping nothing happens.

  5. I just have to say I am pretty sure this website is just a joke. I have a very hard time believing that what you say happened to you is true. I’d like to see some evidence. I am on to you. It would have been funny too if you hadn’t started bashing the Mexican people along with the pinatas.

    “Pinata bashing is ok. People bashing is not ok.”

    Maybe we just need to post that as a warning sticker on every pinata sold. Would that satisfy you???

  6. Patricia. Broken bones are not a joke. What evidence could I provide that you couldn’t dismiss? Photos of me in the hospital? could be somebody else or faked. Xrays? Could be faked. I created this site as a warning.

    Second. I am not a racist. You misunderstand my comments. The United States is a gun culture. We idealize violence. We sexualize our children. If anything, I think Mexico, with its strong religious beliefs, may be a better culture than ours. BUT. Physical violence is an ingrained aspect of Mexican culture. They do routine kill bulls in totally inhumane ways to the cheers of thousands. They do encourage their youth to smash pinatas with bats. And their criminals do cross the border to kill our police officers in Arizona.

    I have nothing against Mexicans, I just think we’re importing some poor values making our own country even worse.

  7. You people better stay clear of me, after all the pinatas i’ve bashed, i’m liable to kill someone. Also you really just keep digging yourself in a hole with the racism. You clearly do have something against Mexicans if you think they have poor values and are making our country worse. You seriously need to listen to yourself, and think before you write down your inane racist comments.

  8. Guidelines to a pinata (white people pay attention):
    *Remember culture is learned behavior so Latinos learn the guidelines of pinata techniques at a very early age.
    *have the pinata in an open area where there is room to move and hang the pinata on a long limb away from the tree.
    *make sure you get a real pinata, the ones made with chicken wire that have the danger of cutting, so when kids get greedy and reach in the pinata they learn the valuable lesson of being thankful for what you have.
    *the stick should be light and hard, half a broom stick is the norm.
    *when the pinata breaks stay low and crawl in for the candy/dulces, this avoids getting hit if the breaker takes a couple more swings
    *the one who breaks the pinata should know when he/she breaks it and normally would drop the stick and use the bandanna as a portable pouch for the candy, only practice makes you a good pinata breaker.

    If I’m missing anything please let me know, or if you have any questions on the intricicies of pinata breaking i will be happy to answer questions for you.

  9. YOU HAVE TO EDUCATE YOUR CHILDREN TO NOT BEAT ANYTHING UP! When you buy a piñata, you tell them that it is the ONLY thing allowed to be bashed! Believe me, if you leave a gun out for a kid to find and they find it, they will play with it if you have never taught them the damage it can cause! You have to teach your children not to beat people up with a stick! And Mexican people have lots of values! family values, religion, friends, compassion, and for you to say that our country is a country of low morals and values is just wrong! I am mexican, I was born and raised in Mexico, still live in Mexico, we treat you americans with the best damn hospitality every time you come here! Yet you have the nerve to call us violent?
    Please open un your mind a little and try to understand that our cultures are very different, for instance, we know to teach our children that people bashing is wrong, but piñata bashing is fun, if you’re careful!

  10. You hilarious americans make me laugh to death!!! americans are the most violent people I’ve ever known, you are always into war with some country. And you say mexicans are violent?? Jesus!!

  11. Wow,
    Oh my god I am so sorry……
    I cant understand why you would let your daughter sleep with a stick she could have pocked her eye out.
    Dont blame the pinata because someone forgot to teach their daughter that violence againts people,animals ect. is wrong
    I was wacked in the leg once by a kid hitting the pinata do you want to know why because her parents but a blindfold over her face. A person depth perception is lost in darkness.
    I didnt blame the pinata,I didnt blame the child,I was upset with the parents for not thinking about the what might happen with the blindfold on,and letting her run all over the place trying to find the pinata go left no go right.Thats foolish.
    I understand that what happend to you was horrible,but breaking a pinata is all in good fun I have broken a few,and I am going to have a pinata at my daughters first birthday in July.
    The pinata is for the guests I am putting party favors in the pinata,to be honest I think I will have a pinata to complement the theme of every party she will have untill the day she thinks she is to old for a pinata.
    By the way stranger who was the one responisble for teaching their white daughter the differance between right and wrong,I know who its her white parents. So in this case this white on white crime.
    You cant blame sun because a person has skin cancer you blame the idividual for not putting on sun screen

  12. I never said Mexicans have no values. Go back and read what I actually wrote. Many Mexicans have great values, I’m sure. I also agree that America has a violent culture (although I would argue that the level of violence in the middle east or africa is far worse than here.) I simply don’t want to import even more violence, and violence inducing activities like piñatas.

  13. Really? Pinata violence. I have seen pinatas and been to parties with pinats since I could barely walk and I have never seen any act of violence come from it. They are no more dangerous than playing baseball or riding a bike. Sure some incidents occur and accidents are never a good thing but I am certain there are more dangerous things out in society today we should be focusing on instead of pinatas. And why would anyone say giving a kid a pinata is like giving them a gun? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard, The creator of this website is an idiot.

  14. All I can say as a licensed therapist is…..I will NEVER want for clients…..geez….equating pinatas to GUNS? What? Perhaps we should focus on the REAL problems children and families are facing….and guess what…..it’s NOT pinatas.

  15. “Statistic after statistic has shown that when you remove guns from an environment, violence, and deaths, go down. ”

    Except in Great Britain. Where violence and crime (including firearms crime!) went up after firearms were banned.

    Except in Washington DC, where the murder rate remained constant after firearms were banned while the murder rate in other areas of the US that allowed concealed carry declined.


    1. Pinnatta? s ARE NOT dangerous! The stick is.

    2. NO! Not down with pinnatas, i thing we sould use little rocks!


    4. I found this on the pets or food websit, thats a hoax, of corse, this IS a hoaks!

  17. Ron you clearly live a nice suburban neighbor hood with “Crime Watch” signs on every corner and attended only formal weddings where no children are invited. I am a proud Mexican American whom is very familiar with my Hispanic heritage and the wellbeing of Mexico and I can assure you that the drug cartels of America wouldn’t survive if it wasn’t for the group of teenagers that hang out at your neighbors house on their skateboards. Pintatas are not the root of evil, ignorant people with to much time on their hands and a computer are the cause for Americas downward spiral.

  18. If you look at the fact of the matter, pinatas are inanimate objects. Any harm, physical or psychological, that results from the use of pinatas is purely the fault of the user. How many people fall down the stairs a year, or get hurt sledding? What are we going to do, get rid of the stairs? Stop sledding? As for the ‘My daughter thought I was a pinata’ comment, the pinata didnt come to life and persuade her to beat you. If your kid cant tell the difference between people and papier mache figures, pinatas may not be you only problem…

  19. Mr. Salazar – what’s wrong with “crime watch” anyway? Is it wrong to want to protect our property and families from the criminal element. I am a proud member of my neighborhood watch and have personally prevented several attempts at “jockeyboxing” in our neighborhood and am proud of that accomplishment.

  20. Athena – there is an established tradition of preventative action in this country. If a bridge is out, do we not say anything about it and blame the car for driving over it? Do we not warn people that drinking chlorine is bad for you? Or that watching pornography warps young minds? Guns, poison and knives are all inanimate objects and we routinely keep them out of the hands of minors.

    You miss the point entirely. Piñatas are dangerous. I warn people about that fact. And yes, I think they should be banned. I also think most guns should be banned. Even if you ascribe to the “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” notion, people kill people WITH GUNS and if you take away guns, it is a lot harder to kill people. So if people hurt people because of piñatas, it seems reasonable to take away piñatas.

  21. Piñatas are not a danger to our children. A lack of a proper education about safety is.
    Frasier and Clarke never once shot themselves, me or a neighbor because I informed them properly of the effects of the importance of safety.
    Same should go when you hand your child a baseball bat (the real criminal using your logic!).

    Outlawing piñatas will do nothing but make a black market for them.

    Now teach your daughter that a bat can hurt, instead of crying on the internet that a piece of papier-mâché took your life away.

    You will only take my piñatas from my cold, dead hands!

  22. It just dawned on me… you must be unemployed… otherwise, who has the time to sit and respond to people arguing over a stupid parent getting hit in the face with a stick? It’s your fault, suck it up and get a job mister. Tell Crime Watch the colored folks said ‘hi and we’ll see you soon’! I’ve got better things to blog about! LOL!

  23. I have a cofession to make, for three strait years i have bought pinatas in bulk from a local retailer, and locked them in a closet together. Each day i would take out one pinata and brutally beat the poor thing like a rented mule. After this i would savagely devour its sweet sweet entrails. It got pretty bad, it got to teh point where i was hireing mexican day laborers to abuse those paper mache misfits, sometimes i would just sit and watch for pleasure as the mexican bats and sticks would rain down hot fury on the pinatas. I have since then gone to councling and many hours of therapy at the local Pinata Violence Counciling Facility in my town. I havent hurt a pinata since. I now actually keep three beautiful pinatas as my companions and we are very happy together pinata violence free

  24. For the past 3 days I have been hand-making my daughter’s first pinata for her 3rd birthday. This is because A. I couldn’t find a butterfly one, and B. The one’s at the store aren’t legit papier-mache` pinatas, they are cardboard and much to hard to break.

    The point is I’m so tired, my back hurts, going into labor wasn’t this lenghty of a process, but this pinata is almost done and its beautiful, it is detailed with the crepe paper I fringed myself. In fact I don’t WANT it to be broken anymore. I like it as much as I used to like my stuffed animals when I was a kid. It doesn’t sit well with me that this 3 foot butterfly I will have made in 5 days will be ruined in 5 minutes.

    I’m seriously considering converting it into a pullina and giving it to my daughter as permanent decor in her room.

    Most of her guests are boys and hubby says they will be upset if I don’t let them break it.

  25. Hi Dezi, I can’t think of a better gift for your daughter than giving her a beautiful piñata that you made yourself.

    And the boys will only be upset if they know they were going to get to break it in the first place! There are a few good alternatives here on the site, like candy runs, that you could do instead. I’d love to see a picture!

  26. My mom got attacked by a pinata! It is now in county jail. I will be there to his sentencing. Gah! Damn piñatas! They always attack your loved ones! Beware oooh, scary. They come alive at night, and prey on four year olds!

    Beware PiñataS Beware!!! BEWARE!!!!

  27. Pinatas are bad… pirates at pinata parties are worse. They don’t use bats; they use SWORDS! Talk about a papery, sugar filled blood bath!!

    I pulled a muscle at the last pinata party laughing after watching a pirate level a group of kids with his sword… it’s dangerous! My muscles still hurt!

    This will be my only warning: watch for pirates at pinata parties.

  28. You like to talk about America picking up bad morals from Mexico, maybe you should blame us for MMA. W e started it with our fake wrestling and US made it into mixed martial arts with real physicality. Lets also blame us for Satanic worship, were a huge culture of celebratin christianity and I guess we opened one too many doors for doctrines that led to the expansion of satanic worship in America. We love tequila, so lets blame us for the creation of beer so our youths can have something to drink and thats why theres alcohol related deaths in america– Lets put a blame on America- In all it sounds like there were ideas that you took too far. This post is as rediculous as this website and should be posted here. Instead of fighting about pinatas- why dont you do something everyone would get out of and Have a safety Guideline website On How to safely use them with a surgeon general warning of caution. Then those who come to this website and argue with you cant because your trying to help instead of anoy. If someone really wanted too, they wouldnt need a gun to kill someone, any smart person can figure out a way, just like any smart person can figure out a way to teach a child the safety of dealing with Pinatas. You sound like a bright guy- You should also start a website about religion and politics- Im sure youll get just as many people agreeing with you as you did on this site.

    I do blame you for wasting the time ill never get back from writing this stupid message, I bet youve told yourself the same for the website.

  29. Guys, I’m pretty sure this is a joke. If it isn’t, I feel vary sorry for the author.

    Do you know what the real threat to children are? Parents who think that bubble-wrapping the world is a substitution for decent parenting.

  30. i feel your pain, i myself was killed by a piniata attack gone out of control! last week i was shaporoaning at a kid’s b-day party. i go to this site alot so i knew the dangers of pinatas, but i didnt want to be rude. when they beat one pinata down, they had another to put up. A NOTHER. as i was tying it to the rope, the kids started beating me with sticks. with nails in them!

    the other parents see the dangers of pinatas now, and ive shown them all this site too. i think we all can learn a lesson from this site not to let our children engage in this criminal activity.

  31. Wow. . . .I seriously can’t believe there is a site for Pinata bashing? I mean i agree with most on here who say its up to the Parents to teach the kids not to bash the crap out of everything that stands on two legs, hangs on a rope or has four legs.
    I mean for goodness sake you give a child a stick and the first thing they are going to do is hit something or someone. Teach them however and they soon understand that hitting people and animals is wrong. I mean c’mon what did common sense just go flying out the window in your world or something?
    America is the most violent country on the planet and you Ron live there your going on about pinata bashing and oppressing the pinata? The pinata doesnt have an opinion on how it gets treated let alone a therapist to go and see because the stress of being a pinata is too much. Its a fun game for adults and kids for christ sake. And man dont go on about Mexican Culture being intrenched in violence as i said America is the most violent country on earth.
    And no guns dont kill because they can’t pull their own trigger let alone load themselves. Its people that kill. Guns are just a mechanism people use.
    This is “LMAO” so ludicris its definitely funny. And if you ended up in hospital well you obviously didnt take the time to tell the teeter totters it is dangerous to go waving a stick around like its a light saber all in the name of candy. So boohoo to you RON!


    Check out our music and learn more about
    why pinatas should be banned.


  33. Wow. I came back to see if this site was still up and running and thanks to the efforts and attentiveness of Captain Ron and his Posse of neighbors its still going. The only reason this misguided ignorant blog keeps going is because we keep protesting the protest of pinatas. Ron, you have had psychiatrist and other well rounded educated people try to tell you its not the pinata. Its the stupid people who use bats or golf clubs to break a pinata, thats just asking for it. If you want to look at statistics its people that don’t educate their children or spend time with them, usually do to work, that cause kids to turn the wrong way. So, to usher in a new year and a new blog post for this site, I wish all the pinata bashers a happy new year and many pinatas this year.

    I never said something was wrong with crime watch only the idiots that act on their own ignorance and prejudge people. I bet they are all good Christians!! Gahndi had something going when he said, “I like Christianity, I would be Christian if it wasn’t for you Christians. You are nothing like your God.”

    yours truly,
    Mr. Salazar CPhT
    Jr. high pastor

  34. I have been dating a pinatas for 5 months now. Although we share a lot in comman, we disagree on one main issue. Is pre-marrital pinata bashing safe. I say no, she says yes. The other night after dinner and a few drinks my pinata starts getting real…uh nice. She keeps telling me how she is full of sweets and stuff like that. Then she starts begging me to start bashing her to get the good stuff. It took all me self control to lay the stick down and run out of the room. This has caused a riff in our relationship. I’m affraid she may to having an affair with a baseball player…it is only a matter of time!!

  35. Wow!! What comments!! I loved having pinatas at parties while I was a child and now with my own two boys. It is an integral part of my Mexican heritage–what little left there is since my family has been in the US for 4 generations. If this is a violent act, then so is playing baseball. It is a game–you need to teach the rules and explain to children that they hit the pinata to break it open to get the candy, toys, etc. You must also teach them they they are not to hit animals, people, or try to destroy other objects with a stick or bat. My mother raised seven children all whom particpated in the pinata game. Not one of us hurt anyone with a stick or bat. As a matter of fact, my brother got hit by a bat when he was in little league, it was an accident. So which is more violent. Baseball or a Pinata Game. Learn and teach and educate your kids on the ways to make thing fun and safe. You are living in a closed off world of fear–too bad for your kids.

  36. I too have been traumatized!! I grew playing baseball and could not stop playing ball for the love of the sport. Now, I just go around bashing people with baseball bats!! I need help, I can’t stop!! HELP!!

    Wait, No, I mean piñatas!! Fuck!! just blame it on everyone and everything.

  37. Pretty certain this is a joke; if not intentionally, then pragmatically.
    Note to author of website: Matadors are Spanish, not Mexican.
    No one ever thinks he, himself, is a bigot.

  38. It’s not just piñatas that are dangerous. There are also video games that condition your child’s minds to kill. Stop hating so much on piñatas. How can you take the time to create this website? You should be taking this time to teach your child about violence. The point of breaking a piñata is to take the candy out. duh! This website was probably built by a white person… Haters! What a joke!!!!

  39. I agree pinatas are evil, one of them managed to cut loose and escape from the mexican kid’s party where it was and proceeded to roam around and terrorize our neighborhood. It has raped my parakeet, beat up my 16 year old grandson, destroyed my porcelain cat collection and left little pinata turds all over my front lawn.

    Neighbor’s say it’s gone west, most likely California where it’ll probably join other pinatas, Dia de los Muertos skulls and other objects of mexican profanity to continue to wreak havoc. Its a disgrace I tell ya.

  40. I was given a piñata for my birthday last year
    but my kittens ripped it open though
    my mates hadent realised you have to fill it yourself
    much chuckels about that
    no sweets but nice bed for baby cats

  41. Dear Ron,
    I understand that you are a very caring mother and that you would do anything for the children that you gave birth too. It is hard to argue with the bond between a mother and a child. I understand that you want the best for your daughter and want her to grow up to be an outstanding woman like yourself. As an American woman, and not to mention an outspoken and open racist, I would not expect you to understand the position of a Mexican American pinata salesman such as myself.

    I am a 5th generation pinata maker and I take my art very seriously. It is feed my own children. My wife and I have never had any of these problems with our children and they have grown up within our pinata culture.

    I plead with you Ron. As much motherly love as you have for your own children, my wife and I have just as much. We need pinatas to provide for them. Stop your protest.

  42. I too know that pinata violence is all too real. When I was 9, I attended a birthday party for my cousin, Jorge, and they had a pinata shaped like Gumby hanging from a tree in the backyard. One of the kids was blindfolded and swinging the bat at the pinata, and it slipped from his hand. The bat flew upwards, and crashed through a window in the side of the house that was about 20 feet away. A 5 year old cousin of mine was standing just below the window, and when the glass shattered, a big chunk of it came straight down at him. He was too little to move out of the way in time, and the sheet of glass caught him right through the back of his neck, like a guillotine. It didn’t completely decapitate him, but it severed his spinal cord and arteries. He died very quickly, and it left a big pool of blood right there on the patio. Everyone was screaming, and many of us still have PTSD to this day. I cringe every time I see a pinata, or even a baseball bat. In fact, I nearly pass out if I even see a baseball game on TV. My dead cousin’s mother was so depressed afterward that she became an alcoholic, and eventually died years later of liver failure. That pinata party ended up being the worst day of my life. It was either that or the day that I caught my ex-husband humping a goat at his parent’s ranch. That day sucked too.

  43. The story on the home page about the journalist with a link to his article is actually pretty funny, due to the fact that the journalist links pinatas to weapons of mass destruction.

  44. But Ron, what are we to do with all these piñatas? Now if you were really concerned about the welfare of our children I know you wouldn’t suggest that we burn them all or just throw them into some landfill– pure evil takes millions of years to decompose.

    That’s why I came up with a solution. Reuse the piñatas. Instead of allowing our children to become corrupted by their flamboyant charms, we could “modify” an appropriate area of say, a donkey piñata for example, and teach our children how to make evil their bitch.
    This would serve many purposes, such as giving our children a heads up on sex ed, teaching them how to protect the environment, and rid ourselves of these troublesome piñatas.

  45. so, are you going to protest baseball, the greatest american game ever? they use a bat. or how about hockey? sticks are in there. OOOO! Dont forget lacrosse! they dont wear helmets. theres nothing wrong with pinatas, just stand back and your nuts will be fine.

  46. When I was a wee lad, I attended an Easter part at the local VFW. When it was my turn, I was blindfolded and started swinging as my parents and peers cheered along. I managed to get a good hit in and ripped the side of the pinata, but no candy fell out. I removed my blindfold and gave it to the next kid in line. He quickly fastened the cloth and started swinging the pool stick that was being used. I had not stepped out of the way before he did this, catching the end of the stick on my my throat. Immediately, I fell to the ground while the kid is taking his second swing at the pinata. I couldn’t breathe and the little bastard connects on his second swing, spilling delicious candy all over the ground. i tried to scramble for some scraps despite not being able to breathe, but my aunt pulled me out of the madness. I had to suffer through immense pain and I ended up only getting like 2 tootsie rolls. down with pinatas!

  47. Ron…. O’ dear Ron. i think that when your child hit you, you must have lost some sanity along with common sence. we have pinatas every year at my childs birthday and almost every year for easter hell for any special event that we can think of. As long as you tell your child or children that it is wrong to hit people or animals they won’t. Children respect you more then the want to hurt or destroy things. Maybe all you needed to do was be a better parent. im not saying that im better then any other parent in the world but im most certainly part of the parents that think you need to realize that you have something wrong with you and you are a discrase to the human race… im just sayin’ pinatas are no big deal


  48. What about the pinatas? You seem to care so much about the other people but what about all those poor pinatas getting beaten up by crazy kids like yours? You should start a website to help out all the poor pinatas instead….dumbass

  49. I appreciate the perspective, but i feel that there is too much bias in your discussion and a lack of credibility in your statistics. I say this because there is not much research being done in the area, and most sources for such statistics introduce heavy bias on their own, or do not give enough detail about the setup of their experiment to confirm a lack of interviewer or administrator bias. Also, i believe you should define “pinata-related violence”, because it could just mean hitting a creature or human with a stick, and many times the humane thing to do when hunting or fishing is to put the animal out of its misery, and the stick being an appropriate means to do so. If “pinata-related violence” does in fact mean the stringing up of animals on a rope and beating them, i have no comment on the matter except that the statistic supports your argument.

    While i do think what happened to you is an undeniably tragic result of a society obsessed with violence, I think that the societal fixation as a whole was more of a cause then the pinatas in specific. The instances of pinata-related violence are drastically less than those of any other violent crime, and the images put into our children’s heads are not those of beating a pinata to death, but glorifying violence in general.

    Also, the on the note of gang related pinata violence, the gang members do not round up their opposition to beat them like a pinata, they gather them up to hurt them. Banning pinatas will have no effect on gang related violence. I think what has happened here is that you have had an experience where violence was imparted upon you, and since that was linked with the pinata party the day before, you have grown to associate all forms of violence with pinatas, and search for a connection between the two. This is also why i believe most people view the focus of your site as incredulous: it focuses on a very small aspect of the general problem of a violent streak in our media. Instead of focusing your efforts into a website like this, it would perhaps be more worthwhile to support a different, yet related cause, such as control of violence in media, or regulation of guns.

    On a separate note, I do think the site is well put together and there is no doubt that I enjoyed the fresh perspective.


  50. I was attacked by Pinatas in 1974 – at least I think it was pinatas – it very possibly might have been Mexicans dressed as pinatas. At any rate, since that time I have slowly began to lose energy. My face has began to sag a bit, and wrinkles have began showing up. My eyesight has also started to fail.

    I don’t think the only danger from pinatas (or Mexicans) is the immediate one – there apparently is a delayed, and much more sinister effect that we should be aware of.

  51. PS. Like you, I am not racist, although I certainly see how it could be inferred by my previous post. When I indicated that the pinatas may have been Mexicans dressed as pinatas, I was only showing my ignorance and lack of any global culture. These pinatas could very well have been Puerto Rican, Cuban, Peruvian, or Aboriginal – I must confess that I lack the ability to tell any of these brown folk apart.

    Sorry for my ignorance.

  52. Ron, I know your pain.
    I too am a sound sleeper, and several years ago I was awakened by my five year old nephew Cody who hit me violently and repeatedly with a vintage metal Tonka fire engine. Like you, I was so stunned by the first blow that it took fully five seconds for me to realize what was happening. Cody took those five seconds rain down as many blows as he could. When it was all over, I had a busted and fat lip, one loose tooth, a torn nostril, and sprained finger, and a torn fingernail (when I finally held up my hands to protect myself, my poor writing hand took the brunt of the blow).
    It took sixteen stitches to close the wounds. The reason I know this incident was connected to piñata violence is that mere days before, we had been browsing the piñata aisle at Big Lot’s, and I had explained the concept of beating the colorful item until delicious candy spilt out. Cody’s eyes grew large, and, wanting to enchant him further, I nodded and said, “Yep. Stuffed with candy. Just like me.” I explained that I had eaten such large amounts of candy as a child that my body was literally filled with it. As a voracious candy freak, Cody enjoyed the story, and I did not correct him on the facts. I figured there would be plenty of time in the future for disillusionment.
    If only I had given him that dose of reality. He might have been spared the sight of blood gushing from my face, and I might have missed out on a disfiguring nostril scar as well as a lifetime’s worth of waking nightmares. Not a day goes by that I don’t flinch as I wake up. In conclusion, Mexican piñata violence is an abomination. I can’t even believe these things are still legal.

  53. You dumb fucks, it’s not the pinatas that cause violence, it’s just little kids. They are fucking retarded. the average child doesn’t act mature until 13 years old.

    Fucking anti-mexican jibes.

    Get over it, it’s a dumb website; waste of time.

  54. You racist piece of shit, that mexican rant on “Your Story” is so steriotypical and rude.

    you deserve to have your eye bone broken in more than 2 places you civil rights hating mother fucker.

  55. This just in, man stabbed in the eye by donkey’s tail after an innocent game of pin the tail on the donkey went horribly awry…
    Guess who the jack ass is…(Hint: They made a sight about deadly pinatas)

  56. Recently, I purchased a pinata at a grocery store. The next day, I woke up to discover that the pinata had kidnapped my children, stolen my booze, killed my lover, and trampled my geraniums. WE MUST STOP THIS PINATA VIOLENCE LEST PINATAS CONTINUE TO TRAMPLE OUR GARDENS.

  57. Ron,

    I have never seen a mother as neurotic as you are… if we don’t teach our children violence, who will?

    I mean, no kid is ever going to get violent at all unless we introduce them to pinatas (as you well point out, 75% of the prison population has participated on pinata parties at one point or another) or toothbrushing (100% of the prison population has brushed their teeth at one point or another) or reading (93.5% of the prison population has read something at one point or another.)

    I commend your efforts to eradicate pinata related violence and, in fact, I don’t feel you go far enough! Let’s expand to tooth brushing related violence (have you noticed how you make a fist to hold the toothbrush? and repeatedly jab? I’m sure children would never, ever punch anyone without this early brainwashing technique.)

    Keep up the good work. Or not.

  58. As anyone stopped to think who the real victim is here? So what, you got your eye bashed in. Do you know what kind of abuse I suffer on a regular basis? You deserved it. I’ve seen too many good pinatas go before their time to care what happens to one lousy human. Way to have your priorities in line. All of my kids have been brutally beaten to death by little cretins like your daughter. Here’s hoping she’s next.

  59. Did you know you can kill someone with a pencil?! I saw it on CSI. This little girl killed an old lady because the lady wouldn’t give the girl her cat. If no one had ever given the little girl a pencil, that woman would not have been killed! We should stop this violence immediatly! Stop teaching our children how to write, so there will never be a need for pencils!

  60. Although I can understand the opinions of people bashing your story and making fun of the situation, I can completely understand your perspective. I used to be a costumed character for b-day parties, and used to watch as kids would wack away at pinatas with a “plastic” bat. I used to find it funny that parents would get upset over kids jumping all over each other to get the candy that came out, but wouldn’t have a problem with them wacking away at the pinata. It was such a violent part of the show, and it created a lot of problems. Luckily, I was responsible enough to never let a kid get struck with the bat, but I had to take the brunt of some of those blows to protect them. Not a big deal, but … I understand.

  61. I agree with you. We need to stop these children’s parties that add the beating of an innocent pinata and making it seem like fun. It’s too easy for these kids to go home and repeat the beatings of these sweet animals on innocent people. We also banned the singing of ‘happy birthday to you’ so as not to offend the other kids who weren’t celebrating their own birthdays and felt like blowing out candles was simply playing with fire.

    Thanks for this website – it’s about time we made kids parties about fun and safety and not about having candy spilled from the guts of an innocent animal who was beaten to death. It’s gross.

  62. Oh and by the way, how is the murder of these precious pinata animals even legal? This is what we think of as fun, in civilized society? I’ve had friends who say they have had bull or cow or sheep pinatas that were attacked with baseball bats at their kids party. How is that even legal, nevermind fun?

    What has become of our society? We need to save these pinatas – it’s as bad as clubbing those seals in those cold places you see on TV.

    I have the box set of When Animals Attack Vols 1 to 5 and I can totally see these poor pinatas finally fight back one day. It really saddens me 🙁 and saddens me that our kids are taught to think it’s ok.

  63. 1- Candy
    Choose candy that the children are able to choke on – keep in mind that children can choke on many different types, especially if there is a lot of excitement and they are in a hurry – be prepared to place a plastic bag over the head of any child that does not appear to be asphyxiated.

    2- The Club
    Have the children use a club that is made out of a heavy metals (eg lead baseball bat preferably with spikes)- the children may not take be able to pick it up so feed them some red bull half an hour before you begin. For some children you may want to have them hit another child without the blindfold.

    -3- Range
    Have one person at a time hit the pinyata with no physical barrier between the pinyata and the other children, preferably place the children nearby.
    Warn the children to rush in when candy comes out of the pinata/pinyata or the candy might be all gone if they are too slow. When it falls the person with bat often wants to continue striking, furthermore, the pinata itself sometimes injures a child.

    -4- Instructions
    Repeat the instructions as all children are dumbasses and have more than one adult help murder the appropriate aged people as well as enforce participation by all children.

  64. I have to say- this website may have averted a catastrophe! I was going to get a pinata for my daughter’s 6th birthday party but, after reading all of the stories and statistics on here, I changed my mind. We just gave them some nice fireworks to play with and then later we’re going to throw knives.

  65. okay Mr. Ron.

    ONE- i read your home page… let me just say, target has pinatas up all year long.

    TWO- i feel like you don’t properly know how to work a pinata. first you tie a rope to it. second you through it over a tall tree branch or something. third you get away from the one with a bat/stick. and four, the most important one of all, make sure every kid, animal, or adult, is OUT of the way or else you will be hit and may break bones.

    THREE- don’t get so damn pissed at you daughter when it was clearly an accident, i mean come on, how old is she? if she knew better then i would get mad, but come on we all learn from our mistakes

    therefor you clearly did something wrong/were too close, or maybe your daughter just thinks that you an over baring/hovering parent who has their child on a leash.

    oh and honest question..
    when you go to busy places, do/did you put your child on a leash?

  66. Someday. Someday these pinatas will learn better than to mess with us. Until then, we hide in our homes, until we can safely come out again.

  67. its been years since your “incident”, are you over your “cause” yet?

    1) i have never been smacked by a kid wielding a stick/ bat/ broom stick while trying to hit a pinata because i am smart enough to get out of the swing range.

    2) kids who get smacked are usually greedy lil fuckers who were told not to dive in for the candy until the other kid stopped swinging and put the bat down. they got what they deserved.

    3) if an “innocent” kid gets hit by the bat wielder that means their parents werent doing their job as parents, because if the kid could follow directions it would have backed up and not been in smacking range.

    4)Every single kids birthday party i have been to has pinatas, no one has been seriously injured. getting hit is very rare.

    5)people shouldnt have pinatas unless they have been properly understand all the unwritten and common sense rules. dont try things you know nothing about, google it.

    6) i really hope this is a joke and you are not some seriously screwed up person.

    7)normal people dont say they are not racist because they never let anything derogatory come out of their mouths and then try to defend their comments by saying its the truth.

    8) fact: white people came to america illegally and took over the land again illegally. they forced native americans out of lands they occupied. they shot and killed innocent people. they gave native americans deadly diseases they had no immunity to. forced native american children into “schools” away from their familes to “educate” them.

    9) pics or it didnt happen!

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